It seems I've been very fortunate Liz ... my childhood home, all the kids played out in the road and the parents all seemed to know each other. I don't remember arguments etc (although there must have been some!). Do kids still play in the road? I have no idea. The first rented flat we had was in a big converted house, couldn't even tell you who was living in the others. Never saw anyone, never spoke to anyone. Our first owned flat was the downstairs of a converted house. What we didn't know when we bought it was that the neighbours upstairs originally owned the house and converted it. We were given ground rules from day 1. It was like living with your mum and dad with expectations etc. They were always watching ... Through the pandemic, the road where we live now started a Whatsapp. Thankfully, it's never been like your husband's experience of the FB community. It's still running and if anyone needs something, they give a shout out and someone will be able to help. Mind, apart from my closest neighbours, I couldn't tell you who was who if I met them outside hahaha It's been good to think about neighbours Liz, thanks for sharing :)

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Oh, there's nothing worse than feeling watched, is there! 😆 Your WhatsApp group sounds lovely though - just how things 'should' be, I think. Yes, part of me thinks it's a shame we aren't as 'neighbourly' now as in the past - but then the other part of me thinks that there's less pressure without, and perhaps, as modern life is so stressful, keeping ourselves to ourselves is the antidote? Who knows! I'm sure it's different for everyone. Thanks so much for reading and commenting, Shaz. It's lovely to hear from you! 🥰

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